Advances in biotechnology

Biotechnology is a science that studies the possibility of using living organisms or their products to solve certain technological problems.

With the help of biotechnology, there is a provision of certain human needs, for example: the development of medical drugs, modification or creation of new species of plants and animals, which increases the quality of food products.

Biotechnology in modern medicine

Biotechnology, as a science, established itself at the end of the twentieth century, namely in the early 70s. It all began with genetic engineering, when scientists were able to transfer genetic material from one organism to another without carrying out sexual processes. For this purpose, recombinant DNA or rDNA was used. This method is used to modify or improve a particular organism.

To create a rDNA molecule you need to:

  • extract a DNA molecule from an animal or plant cell;
  • process the isolated cell and plasmid, and then mix them together;
  • then, the modified plasmid is transferred to a bacterium, which in turn multiplies copies of the information that was put into it.

Medical biotechnology is divided into two large groups:

Diagnostic, which, in turn, are: chemical (determination of diagnostic substances and metabolic parameters); physical (determination of physical fields of the organism);

Medical biotechnology includes such production processes, in the course of which biobjects or substances for medical purposes are created. These are enzymes, vitamins, antibiotics, certain microbial polysaccharides, which can be used as independent means or as auxiliary substances in the creation of various dosage forms, amino acids.

Thus, biotechnology methods are used

  • for the production of human insulin through the use of genetically modified bacteria;
  • to create erythropoietin (a hormone that stimulates the formation of red blood cells in the bone marrow.

Medical genetics in the future will not only be able to prevent the birth of defective children by diagnosing genetic diseases, but also to carry out gene transplantation to solve the existing problem.

Biotechnology in the future will give mankind huge opportunities not only in medicine, but also in other areas of modern science.

Biotechnology in modern science is of great benefit. Due to the discovery of genetic engineering has become possible to breed new varieties of plants and animal breeds that will benefit agriculture.

The study of biotechnology is not only connected with the sciences of biological direction. In microelectronics, field-effect ion-selective transistors (HpaI) have been developed.

Biotechnology is necessary to increase oil recovery of oil reservoirs. The most developed direction is the use of biotechnology in ecology for treatment of industrial and domestic wastewater.

Many other disciplines have contributed to the development of biotechnology, which is why biotechnology should be classified as a complex science.

Another reason for active study and improvement of knowledge in biotechnology was the issue of lack (or future lack) of socio-economic needs.